Driver Support/ knowledgebase/ What to Do if Your Lide 110 Scanner Stopped Working

What to Do if Your Lide 110 Scanner Stopped Working

Technology can fail during the times we need it the most. With all the drawbacks that come from devices, there are a host of benefits once they are back to working correctly.

When you have a scanner that will not scan, though, one that stops working out of the blue, you want nothing more than for it to be reliable and functional again.

What to do if your Lide 110 Scanner Stopped Working

If your Lide 110 scanner has stopped working, you first and foremost need a solution. What can you do with a scanner that doesn’t work?

This tutorial will help you fix your scanner as soon as possible so that you can get back to scanning and completing the work you need to do.

Why Won’t Your Lide 110 Scan Anything?

It can be frustrating to have expectations of technology and realize they’re not being met. There could be a multitude of issues causing your scanner not to work, but it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint what’s going on without exploring the potential solutions.

Sometimes, the troubleshooter for your printer, scanner, and other devices can detect what is wrong and give you a suggestion on how to fix it.

While it may not always yield the most helpful results, it’s worth a try – you might just become informed of why your Lide 110 scanner is not working.

To access the troubleshooter, the first thing you have to do is pull up your Settings app. From there, choose “Devices” – this category is where you’ll find things like scanners and printers.

Settings app

Once here, you’ll see a list of any printers, scanners, fax machines, and any other devices attached to your personal computer. Click on your Lide 110 scanner, and it will provide you with two options.

Click “Manage.”

Click Manage

After being taken to a new screen, you’ll see a list of options that go along with your scanner. If you want to find out why your Lide 110 scanner is not working, the first option is to run the troubleshooter.

Run the troubleshooter

Clicking that link will bring up a new window specifically for the troubleshooter.

From there, it will try to assess the problem.

it will try to assess the problem

It may take a few minutes for the troubleshooter to do run, but hopefully, it will yield pleasant results and will tell you exactly why your Lide 110 scanner stopped working.

If not, don’t be discouraged. Try employing one of the strategies below to fix your Lide 110 driver.

Restart Your Devices

The first advice anyone gives is to restart your computer when something seems amiss, but restarting your computer allows for a fresh session and can reconnect it to all of its affiliated devices.

It’s best to get the most common solution out of the way. When it works, it’s easier than most solutions when it comes to fixing complicated devices. Restarting can potentially save you from having to dig deeper into your computer in an attempt to figure out what exactly is going on.

To restart your computer, it’s best to go through the Windows Start button at the bottom left of your screen. You can also opt for pressing the Windows key on your keyboard.

From there, click the “power button,” and you will be greeted with three options – sleep, shut down, and restart. You’re going to choose to restart your computer.

Your computer may say something along the lines of “Update and restart.” That phrase means that you have crucial updates pending, ones that will make your computer run faster and smoother. It functions just like a normal restart, except that it might take a little longer to boot up again, due to installing the updates.

You should always run your computer on the latest update, as that optimizes your experience and ensures that you are not missing a thing and are receiving the best possible experience.

Understand Your Scanner’s Connection

One important thing to note is whether your scanner is operating based on a wireless connection or a cabled one. The difference between these two connections is vast, and while they both produce the same result, the means of getting there are different.

Wireless connections, while convenient, leave your scanning experience open to a host of issues. Possibly one of the reasons your Lide 110 scanner is not working is that you have a wireless connection from your computer to your scanner rather than the more stable cabled connection.

Cabled connections are more secure. Whereas wireless connections may have convenience and versatility on their side, cabled connections ensure that there is no lost data or delays, especially since wireless connections can act up for the littlest of reasons, such as an object in the way of the path between the computer and the scanner.

What could seem like your Lide 110 driver not working and not scanning could actually be an error in the connectivity. If you are operating on a wireless connection, then you may be experiencing issues because of the connection – not because of the scanner itself.

Try scanning to your computer via a USB cable instead of the convenient wireless option. While not ideal, using a cable will at least help you understand if the issue really lies with your scanner or if there is just a connectivity error.

Hopefully, your issues will end there, and until you can dedicate the time to working with improving your wireless connection, you will still be able to scan via a USB cable directly to your personal computer.

Check on Your Drivers

Drivers are the backbone of your computer, even if you don’t see them working while you’re using it. They’re backstage players, ensuring that everything in the spotlight operates smoothly. Just as stage managers are important in a play, drivers are essential to the health and well being of your personal computer.

Unfortunately, drivers are not immune to falling behind on updates. Your drivers should be checked on regularly in order to maintain the caliber of capabilities that you are used to from your personal computer and any affiliated devices.

Luckily, the Device Manager isn’t too hard to find. Right-click the Windows Start Button button, and you’ll see a long list of commands.

Pick “Device Manager” out of that list and click on it.

That action should bring up a new window with a multitude of technical categories – devices, accessories, all the things that play a role in your everyday computing experience.

All of your devices are sorted into categories based on the larger purpose they serve or their classification.

Certain devices ask you to open another setting, in order to make modifications to the driver. Others allow you to update, uninstall, and reinstall drivers right there from the Device Manager screen. Here’s an example of the latter.

Remember, you must be an administrative user on your personal computer to make these changes to or update your drivers.

Though it may be troublesome, going through and guaranteeing that your drivers are up to date and healthy – that is, running on the latest update and operating correctly and smoothly – is essential to the well-being of your computer.

Driver Support Has Your Back

Driver updates can be time consuming and hard to keep up with. If you want to get your free time back, and keep your Windows PC running smoothly with any new device you plug into it, try Driver Support.

Driver Support’s software, upon installation, creates a list of all your devices that operate off of drivers.

When you fully register the service, Driver Support automatically hunts down drivers that need updating or that have updates available and will take care of that responsibility for you.

That’s one less thing you need to worry about, meaning you have the time to scan to your heart’s content.

Let Give DriverSupport | ONE a try today! take the worry out of your scanning experience.