Increase FPS on Football Manager 2019
When you sit down to play a graphically intensive game on your PC, one of the last things you want to see is the game’s rendering – frames per second (FPS) – crawling along. Regardless of how rich the graphics are, you’ll typically find a game unplayable if the FPS rate is below par.
A simulation game, like Football Manager 2019, is no different. It relies on smooth execution to run through the various teams, players and leagues, along with all the other details you throw at it.
Your System vs. Football Manager 2019 Requirements
It’s easy to glance at the minimum requirements of a game or other programs and believe you have just enough resources to run it. That said, being able to just launch an application is different from running it smoothly.
If you have just met the bare necessities to run a game, you’ll likely need to scale back on something, typically graphics or game settings. If you’re not sure exactly what resources you have, you can look these up in Windows (Win10, in this case).
To do so, go to the taskbar’s search box and type in This PC. Then right-click on that app and choose Properties.
This will bring up a system window that will show resource information such the processor, RAM and so on.
Ways to Speed Up Football Manager 2019
If you feel your computer should be up to the task but still see lag with Football Manager 2019, there are other steps you can take to increase its speed.
Game Graphics Settings
Within the FM19 game itself, you can adjust various settings to test what helps and what doesn’t. There are different ways you can approach it, such as altering settings like rendering mode and detail level.
Keep in mind that there are costs associated with making changes like these, most notably in how the game will look. That said, if your computer just doesn’t have the power to push the simulator to its limits, some sacrifices may need to be made.
Generate a Smaller Game Database
Aside from the graphics settings within the game, all the options you choose, such as the number of leagues, can grow the size of the simulator’s database. The larger the database, the more rendering/processing will be needed.
You can experiment with various details to turn off (or not include) in an attempt to get the database size down. The game will warn you if your settings seem to be too much for your computer, and let you know when they seem like a good fit.
Ultimately, you might need to strike a balance between the items and details included versus the performance of the game.
Steps in Windows to Improve Performance
Typically, the biggest performance boosts will come from the configuration settings in the game itself or perhaps the graphics card’s software. Still, there are some steps you can take in the Windows O/S that may help.
Go into the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del keys) and check the CPU percentages of the various things running under the Processes tab.
If you find any unneeded processes that are consuming CPU, you can close them down by clicking/right-clicking and choosing End task.
Another area for managing Windows performance is the View advanced system settings control panel (found by searching for system settings in the taskbar).
From the Advanced tab, click Settings (under Performance). This will provide options to optimize Windows for appearance, performance, or a balance between the two.
Update Graphics Drivers
A common reason hardware may not perform at its peak has to do with the software that runs it. Every device requires a driver, and these drivers need to be kept up to date. Otherwise, the hardware, such as your graphics card, may not perform as smoothly as it should.
If you know enough information about your device’s driver, you can proceed to the manufacturer’s website and download the latest patch for it. If you’re not certain, you can look up this information in Windows from various locations, one being the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
You can get there by right-clicking the Start (Windows 10), choose Run, and type dxdiag.
Then, click the Display tab. You’ll find information about your graphics device and its driver(s).
After you’ve obtained enough details about your graphics card, you can search for its latest drivers. Once found, download and unzip the driver locally.
You can install these manually by going to the Device Manager (via the taskbar’s search box).
From the Device Manager, find your graphics card, right-click, and select Update driver.
Two choices will appear – take the second one for Browse my computer for driver software. From there, you can drill down to the location you downloaded the latest driver.
Keep Devices Current with Driver Support
You can go through the steps above each time you need to optimize your device drivers. Sometimes you can trust Windows 10 to find the right one. Still, there is another path you can take.
Automated solutions, like Driver Support, can alleviate the burden and ensure your devices are kept up to date. Once fully registered, Driver Support will update drivers that are outdated or missing. You can use the time saved for other things – like actually playing Football Manager 2019.
Since 1996, Driver Support has been providing services that keep device drivers up to date.